Wednesday, April 02, 2008

El arte de existir.

The Mind Tree.

Maybe it is night

Maybe it is day
I can't be sureBecause

I'm not yet feeling the heat of the sun

I am the mind tree

When I had been gifted this mind of mine

I recall his voice very clearly

To you I have given this mind

And you shall be the only kind

No one ever will like you be

And I name you the mind tree

I can't see or talk

Yet I can imagine

I can hope and I can expect

I am able to feel pain but I cannot cry

So I just be and wait for the pain to subside

I can do nothing but wait

My concerns and worries

Are trapped within me somewhere in my depths

Maybe in my roots

Maybe in my bark

When he comes next who gifted me my mind

I shall ask him for the gift of sight

I doubt his return and

Yet hope for it

Maybe he will

Maybe he will not.

Tito Mukhopadhyay (Autista profundo).

2 de Abril Día Mundial de Concientización sobre el Autismo.